1. Students should arrive on time, and should not enter the studio until invited in by their instructor or assistant

  2. Students must use the restroom before class. If a student needs to use the restroom during class, only one student is allowed out of the classroom at a time, and must be accompanied by an assistant if under the age of 5.

  3. Proper dress code including shoes and hair must be followed.

  4. Dance shoes are not to be worn outside, and outside shoes should not be worn in the studios. All shoes, clothing, and gear should be labeled with the student’s full name.

  5. No food or gum is allowed in the studios.

  6. No cell phone use is allowed in class.

  7. Students must refrain from running, shouting, touching other students, hanging on the ballet barres, touching equipment/mirrors/props without teacher permission in the studios, waiting areas, dressing rooms, and restrooms.

  8. Students must speak respectfully to all staff, and must conduct themselves in a respectful manner while in the building and in class.

  9. Students are expected to put forth their full effort to each lesson, and to work with their classmates as a team.

   10.  Bullying and gossip are not tolerated at CAPAS, and disciplinary action will be taken for any behavior that is not respectful to others.


Student Discipline Policy:

  1. Verbal warning/acknowledgement.

  2. Formal verbal warning in front of staff/admin with note made on student’s record. An email notification will go to parent.

  3. Written warning sent home with an email notification going out to parents requiring signature and return.

Early Childhood Classes:

1.  Parents/caregivers are not allowed in the classroom. All of our classes are drop off.

2.  If a student demonstrates inappropriate behavior he/she will be given 3 warnings per class to correct the behavior. If the behavior is not corrected or it is a regular problem in class, the student will be given a verbal warning at the front desk, noting the warning in the student’s file, and parents will be notified of the behavior either in person, or via email by the front desk staff or the director of Early Childhood Education.